Core Beliefs

We support the doctrine and leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At the core of the doctrine is the commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves. Racism, sexism and hate have no place in our hymns.

We believe every race, nationality and ethnicity has equal standing before God. We reject the idea that any nationality is chosen for special privileges, responsibilities, blessing or has a higher priority in the gathering in the last days. There are good and bad people in every nation. We reject any symbolism that uses race.

We believe women and men have equal value before God. We believe everyone is a beloved child of Heavenly Parents and they sound feel loved and accepted for who they are. Gender stereotypes that exclude people or make them feel that they are less important than another gender have no place in our hymn book. Our hymn book should recognize and celebrate the great diversity that exists among the genders.

We love our history, but recognize that people are not perfect. We do not believe we should white wash or distort our history to make ourselves look better. We honor those who have gone before by being honest and accurately reflect what they did.

We believe love is core to everything we believe. The hymns should set the example of love, peace, acceptance and forgiveness.

We believe that our doctrine demands us to take this approach.